
I’m Elizabeth, a data analyst and professional writer

During my first year at The Ohio State University, I read a book that changed my approach to college — David Epstein’s Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World. Each of Range’s 12 chapters introduced a true story where a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none proved better than a master-of-one.

This concept intrigued 18-year-old me, so I took a chance: I pursued Ohio State’s new Integrated Major in Mathematics and English (IMME). Instead of specializing in one subject, I generalized in two. I studied Spreadsheets + Databases alongside Writing, Rhetoric, and Literacy; I dabbled in MATLAB (a programming platform) while learning English Grammar and Usage.

Gradually, I grew to love the math-and-English study that Epstein inspired, and I planned to wield it past graduation. I decided to take the technical knowledge from my math curriculum — with its spreadsheets and computer code — and use it to conquer the digital world, where today’s professional writing exists.

This brings me to the present. Now graduated, I use my Math + English background to create written products in the digital world. Whether you need educational materials or promotional content, call me up- I’m ready for the challenge.