My Portfolio

Panel Presentation on Intellectual Property Law

Data Analytics

Cyclistic Bike Analysis
How do annual members and casual riders use Cyclistic bikes differently? And how can we leverage those differences to convert casual users into annual members?

New York City Tree Analysis
Using the public New York City Tree database, provided through Google BigQuery, I conducted an exploratory analysis on the species and greenery of The Big Apple.

Professional Writing

IMME Materials for Ohio State
IMME stands for Integrated Major in Mathematics and English. Upon graduation, Ohio State’s Department of English asked me to stick around to promote the four-year-old major.

Press Release for Putnam Competition
I followed the format set by the Mathematics Association of America (MAA) to create a fictional press release that invites international students to the annual Putnam Competition.

Website for Hidden Figures Revealed
With the help of communications fellow Imani McCormick and communications mentor Dr. Cathy Ryan, we created the Black Math Story blog page: a website that features the latest news on the Hidden Figures Revealed project.

Panel Presentation on Intellectual Property Law
My groupmate, Sam Thompson, and I conducted thorough research on Intellectual Property Law. We gathered relevant information, interviewed two lawyers and combined all our content onto 15 engaging slides.